Sunday, March 22, 2009

Polymyalgia rheumatica
- it means pain and stiffness in many muscles (neck shoulders hips especially)
- due to an inflammatory condition of the muscles
- onset can be both acute and insiduous
- WBC attacking joint lining
Typical history:
- usually in adults > 50 yo, women 2x > men
- acute/insiduous
- pain in their muscles on waking, so muhc so that activity is limited
- fatigue and LOA
- anemia
- general sense of being unwell
Look out for signs and symptoms of temporal arteritis: 50% have temporal arteritis
- fever headache
- jaw claudication
- tongue claudication
- reduced visual auity or acute visual loss
For polymyalgia rheumatica: no specific ones:
- ESR and CRP are raised
For temporal arteritis:
- FBC: raised platelets
- ESR and CRP are raised
Gold standard for diagnosing temporal arteritis is biopsy of temporal artery from multiple parts
Imaging studise: US shows halo sign, others include MRI and CT
Pain relief and prevention of weakening of muscles:
- Exercise
- Mild pain: aspirin, ibuprofen
- Severe pain: steroids (prednisolone)


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